How to Set the Auto Attendant Greeting
Setting up an Auto Attendant Greeting
Please keep in mind that only office administrators are able to make changes to auto attendants.
To setup the Auto Attendant Greeting, log into your administrator account and follow the below steps:
1. Log into your portal.
2. Once logged in as an office administrator, click on ‘Auto Attendant’ tab.
3. You will see a list of auto attendants you have. Click on the name of the Auto attendant that you would like to change the greetings for.
4. Click on the little pencil mark under the Menu Prompt Column. A pop up menu will appear and let you choose three options to set the greetings. Text to speech, upload or record.
-Text to speech: Type your message and choose a voice to read the message you’ve set as a greeting.
-Upload: Browse your local computer to upload a recorded file in .wav or.mp3 format.
-Record: Type in an extension or even an external number, a call will be given out with the recording prompt. Record your message.
6. Once done, click ‘Save’. The audio file should be uploaded to the auto attendant.
Note: The Intro greeting for your auto attendant can be set up the same way. It is the message played before the menu prompt message.
Often, one message is played throughout the auto attendant. If you frequently change the menu options, setting up an intro greeting is helpful. This way, one message is always the same such as “Thank you for calling Company Name.” the message following it can be changed depending on your menu options.
If you have questions or need assistance with your Auto Attendant Greeting please contact us.