How do I use the Switchvox Desktop Softphone App?
The Switchvox Desktop Softphone for Windows and macOS is freely available for use with a Switchvox that holds active Subscriptions in Switchvox server version 7.1 or later. (Users cannot log into the phone when Switchvox subscription is expired)
You can download the installer from your Switchvox server if it is version 7.1 or later. Switchvox administrators will find the appropriate download links for Windows or macOS on Switchvox’s /admin landing page.
The download links can be used by anyone with HTTP access to Switchvox. You do not need to be logged into the admin portal (/admin) or to the user portal (/main) to access the installer. You just need to know the correct URL:
Windows: https://your_pbx_hostname_here/static/apps/Switchvox%20Phone.msi
macOS: https://your_pbx_hostname_here/static/apps/Switchvox%20Phone.dmg
The app can be used for Chat by any phone user. For the Switchvox Desktop Softphone App to be used as a phone, your Switchvox administrator must assign the Desktop Softphone to the SIP extension (using the Manage Phones tool). The Switchvox Desktop Softphone can be assigned to a Main extension (if it’s someone’s only phone), or to an Additional extension.
IMPORTANT: the macOS installer included in Switchvox 7.4 has a known issue. In newer versions of macOS, the installer does not prompt users for access to their microphone. Download the corrected macOS installer here. This installer is only required if you are on Switchvox 7.4, Switchvox 7.5 contains a corrected version.
When new features are released, Switchvox Desktop Softphone users will be notified to download the installer again, to install the updated version.
Minimum requirements:
Switchvox version 7.1 or later
macOS 10.13 or Windows 10 (64-bit)
If you have recently updated but you are not seeing new features in the app, use the keyboard shortcut to refresh the cache. On Windows, this is Ctrl-F5, and on macOS it’s Shift-Ctrl-R.
To use Switchvox’s Desktop Softphone App for Windows or macOS, follow these instructions.
In the Switchvox /admin navigate to the extension to be used for the DSP and click the manage phones icon. Choose the Switchvox Desktop Softphone for the main or as an additional phone.
Download the Switchvox Desktop Softphone (links provided by your Switchvox Administrator).
In the app, indicate your Switchvox host (e.g., switchvox.mycompany.com).
Log in using your Main extension number and password for web tool access (your password can be changed in the Profile Information of a phone extension in the Switchvox Web Suite).
The gear icon in the Calls pane offers several settings:
Select the phone to use when you click to dial from the app (this defaults to using the app itself for calls). This is the same tool as the Make Calls With setting in the Switchboard. If you have 2 or more phones, use the Switchvox web suite to navigate to Features > Call Rules, and modify your Call Rules as appropriate so that the app will ring on incoming calls.
Select your device for the microphone, speaker, and ringer.
Select your camera for video calls.
In your computer firewall application, you may need to allow incoming connections to ensure that calling works.
The phone manages up to 2 calls. If you already have 2 calls, a third incoming call is ignored, so that your Call Rule Actions are followed as if you had not answered the call.
A handy one-page Quick Start Guide is available for phone users to understand the features of the phone.
If you have questions or need assistance with your Switchvox Desktop Softphone please contact us.