Are you considering migrating your phone system to the cloud? Read on for more information
The latest technological advancements have revolutionized how Businesses conduct their activities. In this perspective, cloud adoption has gained immense popularity. Not just confined to online data storage, cloud technology has also set its roots in communications. Voice communication is a crucial part of any business, but setting up and maintaining an on-premises telephony system is quite expensive and a difficult job. This is where cloud phone technology or cloud telephony comes into action. Cloud communication means that all the communication-related equipment and setup is hosted at the premises of the cloud service provider. While businesses just have to install the app to use a cloud-based phone system or just plug in a pre-programmed VoIP phone. In this article, we will shed light on the top five reasons for migrating your phone system to the cloud.
1. Mobility
Today, the workforce cannot be confined to one workplace. The business sector is seeing rapid growth in the practice of remote working and location freedom. The COVID-19 pandemic has also triggered the practice of work from home. Now imagine if your business has a cloud communication system in place like the Telcloud service available here. It will let your employees have the mobility they require to carry out their jobs effectively. All they have to do is ensure a proper internet connection with a device having a cloud telephony app installed or just use it in any chrome based browser.
2. Cost-Effective
In the present era, it does not seem a wise decision to invest in bulky PBX hardware that does not provide mobility and comes with the difficult process of upgrading the system. With a cloud-based phone system, your team just has to install the cloud telephony app on their computer or smartphones or just use it in any chrome based browser. You can even use any existing VoIP phone you own with a quick programming change.This way, it instantly removes the cost associated with purchasing, maintaining, and updating redundant hardware. In addition, the calls are routed via the internet, which significantly lowers the cost of calling long distance. Therefore, adopting cloud communication brings significant cost benefits.
3. Business Continuity
This is a digital and competitive era, where every business tries to get technological advantages over others. If one of your competitors have set up robust cloud communication infrastructure, then it’s in better shape to address present and future challenges, such as remote working, natural disaster, hardware malfunction, etc. In addition to that, startups are already deploying the latest cloud technologies in their systems, so the traditional communication systems are gradually going to be outdated. As per Gartner, the cloud spending from the global enterprises IT-related spending is going to reach up 14.2% in 2024 compared to 9.1% in 2020. This highlights the global shift towards cloud technologies. Therefore, cloud adoption is a must for business continuity.
4. Rich Business Features
Other than fulfilling basic calling needs, cloud telephony is equipped with many other features, such as call queuing, call center, real-time analytics, integration with your CRM, post-call surveys, missed call functionality, and many more. Cloud telephony is providing a system where businesses can turn many manual activities into automated processes.
5. Flexibility to Scale Up and Down
With the growth of your business, your communication needs will also increase. More employees mean a bigger workplace, more offices, and more communication mediums. With a cloud-based phone system, you can scale up and down your communication needs hassle-free. You can add more extensions to address more call needs and deactivate them when you have less traffic. This brings the flexibility to scale up and down your cloud phone resources based on your business needs.
Wrapping Up
Whether it’s scalability, remote accessibility, or cost-effective communications, cloud communications systems are the ideal choice for businesses in this present era. However, you have to ensure that you are getting services from the best cloud services provider that has all the features and services that your business needs currently and in the future. Check out Telcloud now.
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